P.E. Kramme, Inc. is a family-run company engaged in the transportation of Kosher, temperature-controlled, liquid food-grade products. Our company's founder, Paul E. Kramme, Sr. started out by transporting milk from farmers to dairy plants during the 1920s. As business grew, he incorporated in 1934 and then pioneered the heated tanker design in 1950 to begin moving liquid chocolate.

Now, with our fleet of more than 80 stainless steel transports, we are a primary carrier for some of the largest food and confectionery manufactures in the country. Our fleet of tankers as well as our washing facilities are Kosher supervised and all the products we transport are Kosher approved.

We pride ourselves on our ability to meet stringent customers demands and solve potential problems for them. Our telephones are answered 24 hours a day and are handled during off-hours and weekends by company ownership so you can be assured of a response to your needs by someone with a vested interest in the success of your business and ours.

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